Yogamobility relies on donations from people like you, fund-raising events and small grants to enable us to provide our services to the community.
Without YOUR help none of this is possible, so please take a moment to see some of the ways YOU can make a huge difference, by helping us help as many people as possible 🙂
OUR CHALLENGE : To continue providing our vital services, which costs over £40,000 every year !!!
YogaMobility has operated as a small not-for-profit group for more than 30 years and became a registered charity in September 2010 and a Charitable Incorporated Organisation as of 29th July 2022.
We now run two classes on Mondays (10.30am and 1.00pm) and one on Thursdays (10.30am) with a maximum of 20 people at each class. We also run a Wednesday Evening class for ambulatory students at our Woodland Retreat centre.
We rely entirely on donations from people like yourselves, small grants from supportive organisations and fund raising events.
However, we still have to charge a nominal fee of £7.00 per session to each person attending, and even with that we rely on the goodwill of volunteers or we could not run the classes.
Like so many charities, there is no government support available, so we are eternally grateful to everyone who helps – whether it is by volunteering, making a donation – however small – or helping us as an individual or company by providing additional equipment.
You can also, at no cost to yourselves, help us out by shopping online through the links below. We then receive a small percentage from each purchase.
Together, with your help, we can bring back the joy of movement to many more people in Cardiff and Wales.
Thank you – Diolch yn fawr 🙂
YogaMobility would like to do more. In particular, we would like to:
- Increase the number of classes we can offer in Cardiff
- Establish new classes in other parts of Wales
However, to do this will require significant additional funds to meet the costs of:
- Training additional tutors
- Training volunteers
- Meeting additional tutors fees and room hire costs
- Purchase additional equipment
There are countless ways in which YOU can help us from actively helping out people at our sessions to helping with fund-raising events. Drop us a line and get involved in something wonderful and become part of our community.